How to Bid With Us
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If you are not already a client, then by registering you will be able to access various special client services:
·    bid online before the auction, and see the results of your bids immediately
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·    see the results of your bidding after the auction

Registration is simple. Click here to create an account. Fill out the form and click "SUBMIT". There is no fee to register. You will be sent (via e-mail) your customer ("client") number, which, with your e-mail address, will be all you need to access the special client services. It’s that easy and now you can begin bidding!
You can bid before the auction through Stamp Auction Network.

If you are already a Stamp Auction Network bidder or account holder:
1. Log on to Stamp Auction Network
2. If you have already been approved by Golden Oak Online Auctions at Stamp Auction Network (not at the GOOA website) you are ready to go.
3. If you have not added Golden Oak Online Auctions to your list of companies to bid with you will need to go and update your registration page. Click here to log in, then select GOOA from the choices under Auction Firms and press the Update Registration button to submit. This will send your request to the auction house and you will need to wait until they approve your request before you can bid.

If you are not a current Stamp Auction Network account holder:
1. Create a new Stamp Auction Network account by clicking here. Make sure that you select Golden Oak Online Auctions from the choices and press the Submit Registration button to submit. This will send your request to us and you will need to wait for us to approve your request before you can bid.
2. If you press the Submit Registration button before selecting Golden Oak Online Auctions simply follow the path in steps 1-3 above since now you have an account and login.

You can bid live during the upcoming auction through Stamp Auction Network.
Please note that we occasionally switch live auction platforms, so check each sale.
Registration and login instructions are as #2 above. Please remember to register with GOOA on Stamp Auction Network at least 1 hour before the sale to ensure your ability to bid live in our sales.

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