Subasta 57

Lote 199


1914-16, Washington, S.L. watermark, vertical and horizontal, flat and rotary press coil group (Scott 441//458), including 1¢ green, 2¢ carmine (Sc. #441-442) vertical flat plate coils both n.h.: 1¢ green, 2¢ carmine and 5¢ blue (Sc. #443-444, 447) horizontal flat plate coil all hinged; 1¢ green, 2¢ carmine (Sc. #448, 450) horizontal rotary press coils both n.h.; 1¢ green, 2¢ carmine rose, 2¢ red, 4¢ brown and 5¢ blue (Sc. #452, 454-455, 457-458) vertical rotary press coils all n.h. except 2¢ carmine; a neat lot to add to your collection! Fine to Very Fine. Scott $646.
Estimate $75 - 100.

Adjudicación $130

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