About Us

Golden Oak Online Auctions was created in response to what we perceive to be the growing online auction market. We are fusing over 100 combined years of highly respected knowledge and extensive traditional auction experience with state-of-the-art technology to create an easy to use online auction platform. Our aim is to provide a global community of collectors and dealers with an effortless auction experience, where they can browse, bid, buy and/or sell with ease and all from the comfort and convenience of their own home or office.

We currently hold auctions approximately twice a month for collectibles from around the globe, including stamps, postal history, coins, currency, art, antiques, autographs and much more. Our sales are typically posted for pre-sale bidding on a Wednesday on our website and also on many online platforms (such as Stamp Auction Network, PhilaSearch, SixBid, iCollector and other sites as appropriate), with the auction actually taking place on a Saturday 10 days later. Our auctions are "live", essentially a virtual public auction, where lots are opened, bids accepted, and then closed after bidding stops on a lot on the live auction platform (Stamp Auction Network etc.) with our principal auctioneer Tracy (Shreve) Carey calling the sale. Our buyer's premium is 20% and we accept credit cards and PayPal as payment with no fees.

Click here to contact us with questions about how we can help you.

We are members of:
  American Numismatic Association
  American Philatelic Society
  American Stamp Dealers Association
  Collectors Club of New York
  International Society for Japanese Philately
  Philatelic Traders Society
  Royal Philatelic Society of London
  U.S. Philatelic Classics Society

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t: 469.437.7658 email: support@gooaucs.com